
A New Giraffe, Tatu, Arrives at the Lehigh Valley Zoo

The Lehigh Valley Zoo has a new giraffe named Tatu.

Welcome to Pennsylvania, Tatu!

The Lehigh Valley Zoo announced Saturday that the 20-month-old giraffe had arrived at the zoo from the Greenville Zoo.

Tatu traveled in an "extra tall trailer," zoo officials said.

"Our Tatu is doing great, and is already bonding with the keepers over his favorite treats of kale and grain," the zoo said in a press release.

In May, a 6-year-old giraffe died at the zoo. That giraffe, named Ernie, suffered a blow to his neck from his father, Murphy, while leaning into an adjoining stall. There's no way to tell if that blow was playful or aggressive, zoo officials have said.

Murphy is still at the zoo, and the zoo will take its time introducing the two, it said in a news release. But eventually they believe having the older male giraffe and the young male together will teach Tatu valuable giraffe behavior.

"And Murphy will benefit from the stimulation of a companion," the zoo said.

Tatu won't be introduced to zoo guests until the zoo knows that he has adjusted to his new home and his new roommate.

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