Fire Department Asks: “Do You Have What it Takes?”

It’s an adrenaline pumping, heart-pounding kind of job, but somebody’s got to do it. That’s the message that Cheltenham Township Fire Department is trying to spread about its volunteer firefighter program with their new documentary series titled, Do you Have what it Takes?

The documentary is set to premiere on the new CTFD website on May 2 at 8 p.m.

To capture the attention of a larger audience, the township will be streaming the premiere of the series on Facebook.

The invite has currently gone out to more than 2,500 Cheltenham community members.

Congressman Chaka Fattah will introduce the video over the stream.

Recruitment rates for volunteer firefighters are down and the CTFD is hoping that this documentary series will be the answer to their prayers and increase rates.

“It started as a discussion at one of our meetings and the idea came up to put videos together and put them on the websitee to emphasize recruit and show people that the people in the videos were real firefighters not actors,” Al Regenhard, president of the Glenside Fire Company, said.

After the premiere of the video, CTFD is hoping that viewers will be encouraged to sign up to volunteer. 

The documentary describes who we are and what we are.  It puts the message across to a perspective candidate who might be considering becoming a volunteer firefighter.  They’re the same people, regular citizens as the viewers of the documentary are,” Regenhard said.

The series is going to be available on Comcast and will be featured at other various community events.

Do you have what it takes? To become a volunteer firefighter for CTFD click here.

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