150 Attend Center City Christmas Dinner

Chosen 300 hosted about 150 struggling men and women at a full course Christmas dinner.

A full course meal in Center City brought 150 people together to celebrate Christmas.

But this isn't your typical family gathering.

Chosen 300 Ministries organized the dinner for the group - comprised mostly of men and women who are homeless or recently back on their feet.

Free winter coats, hats and children's gifts were also available to guests attending the Christmas Day event at Chosen 300's outreach center in Poplar. 

The interdenominational group provides meals and support to those who are struggling across Philadelphia six days a week. 

"The challenge is," said Brian Jenkins, Chosen 300's executive director, "It's growing so rapidly that often we can't keep up."

Throughout the year, the organization offers job placement support and computer access to those in need.

Those services, as well as the holiday meal, came together thanks to the help of volunteers.

"My kids are getting to the age where I want to teach them to give back and give them a little perspective," said Sarah Knox, one of several dozen volunteers who helped setup the dinner.

Jenkins appreciates the help and encourages people to extend their kindness by volunteering beyond the holiday season.

"The need is all year long," he said.

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