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After a calorie-torching workout, you're going to be famished. But finding the best restaurant to satisfy your hunger, rebuild your muscles or just plain reward yourself can be as grueling as the workout itself.

Thankfully, there's the YP app for your smartphone. With the ability to search over 300,000 menus nationwide, the app allows users-on-the-go to locate the exact cuisine they're craving, read restaurant reviews, peruse photos and even save with local coupons, all from their iPhone, iPad, Blackberry, Palm or Android.

But what, exactly, will you be craving after you've hit the gym or gone on a monster run? If you're looking to eat healthy, you can fill up on organic salads, vegetarian wraps or vegan cuisine. Of course, we all like to reward ourselves after a job well done, too. That's why there's no shame in getting a little gluttonous with pizzas, barbecue or maybe something deep fried every now and again. As always, YP local search is here to help. From protein building healthy delights to calorie-packed comfort food, click through the YP gallery of the top places to grab a post-workout bite in Philadelphia, no matter what you're craving.

And don't forget to download the free YP app, the fastest way to locate tasty local food, nearby theaters, cheap gas, great deals and exciting events in your city.

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