What the Tech?: 4G and the iPhone?

Viewer asks: Should I buy an iPhone now or wait to see if Apple releases a 4G phone?

As part of our What the Tech Q&A series, technology contributor Vince Lattanzio offers his answers to viewer's burning technology questions. If you'd like to rack his brain, send in your question here.

This question came in after Sean caught my segment on 4G wireless technology. He writes:

If I make an upgrade to the iPhone 4 which runs on 3G network, will I be doing myself a disservice by not waiting until Apple produces a phone that runs on the 4G service? After watching the segment on December 17th, 2010 regarding the 4G LTE, I am more confused then before the segment. According to articles that I have read, the 4G service is more hype than reality.

Hi Sean,

Great question about the iPhone and LTE service. There are two rumors floating out there. One is that the iPhone will be coming to Verizon's network in the near future. The other is that Apple will release an LTE iPhone.

Since they're rumors, you never know IF and WHEN they will come true. Some have said a LTE iPhone may drop in January, while others say it could happen in the spring or summer.

For those of you who have no idea what LTE is, it's a new type of wireless service that offers fast upload and download speeds on the go. Basically, speeds that you're accustomed to with your home broadband service.

Now, like I talked about in my 4G segment, Verizon has a LTE network. AT&T also plans on debuting their own LTE network in 2011, but there aren't many details when and where it will be available.

Historically, Apple waits a generation or two to introduce new technology into their devices. So even if the carriers have LTE networks, a new iPhone may not have the wireless chip that will enable it to connect to the advanced network.

So to answer your question, I need you to ask yourself whether super-fast data speeds on your cell phone matter.

If they do and you’re willing to wait a few months to see if a LTE iPhone will be introduced, then wait. Really, what's a couple of months? And if it doesn't happen, then you can get a different LTE enabled phone or the newest generation iPhone.

But if you don't need to have the freshest technology, then I'd say run out and get the iPhone now.

It's all about what will make you the happiest. But as I've learned with Apple, you never quite know what they have up their sleeves.

Keep up with Vince on Twitter @VinceLattanzio and get the latest news updates from @NBCPhiladelphia.

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