Visit Philly's Foursquare Shopping Tips

The Greater Philadelphia Tourism Marketing Corporation (GPTMC) has taken its social media presence to the next level through the launch of a "Visit Philly" branded Foursquare page. Foursquare users are encouraged to check in to Philadelphia area hot spots and "unlock" tips related to regional dining, sightseeing, and of course, shopping. These pointers are provided by the tourism pros at the GPTMC and by members of the social media-savvy public.

The concept is simple: check into a Philadelphia area store and receive a shopping tip. Caroline Bean, Manager of GPTMC's National Media Relations/Social Media, explains: "A Foursquare user who checks into a place where we have left a tip will be able to see our tip. For example, a Foursquare user who checks into Lost + Found in Old City will get the tip not to miss the section for guys. And the person that checks into J.Karma will know to continue their spree down the street at Sugarcube and other boutiques."

Here are two examples of the Visit Philly-provided shopping tips:

Retrospect: Fashion designer Tory Burch once told us: “Philadelphia is great for vintage shopping. My favorite store is Retrospect. I can always find something unique, and it is relatively inexpensively priced.”

Abakus Takeout: Get ‘em fast! These kicks are here-today, gone-tomorrow: extra-limited edition Air Jordans, Bapes, Adidas and Nikes.

To date, over 200 tourism pointers have been left by the corporation, with the promise of new, fresh tips to be added as the program progresses. And, as an added incentive to check into the Independence Visitor Center, the Foursquare “Mayor” of the Center at noon on April 30 will receive a personal message from Mayor Nutter via Twitter.

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