Tips to Pick the Perfect Christmas Tree

Top 10 tips for the perfect tree

Picking the perfect, live Christmas tree can be a hassle if you're unsure what to expect.

There are some essential things you can do to ensure you get the most out of a Christmas tree.

Here are the top 10 tips for picking the perfect trees, care of experts at Bustard's Christmas Trees

  1. Know exactly how much tree you need. Before looking for a tree, measure the space you have for your tree display. 
  2. Test the freshness of the tree by breaking a needle. A fresh needle will snap crisply, while an old needle will not.
  3. Check the source. Make sure the tree vendor cuts down new trees throughout the season.
  4. Take inventory.  Know how many or how few decorations will be used to ensure the tree can handle the job.
  5. Ornamental decisions. Trees that can hold heavy ornamentation are the Fraser, Noble, Concolor and/or Balsam. For fewer ornaments, choose a Douglas fir.
  6. Know what you like. Before hitting the tree lot, take a look at RealChristmasTrees to browse species.
  7. Check the tree stand.  Is it the right size to hold not only the tree, but water?
  8. Trim the bottom.  Ask for a trim on the bottom of the tree to ensure that the trunk will fit the bottom of the stand.
  9. Drill a hole.  If the tree stand has a pin, be sure to have a hole drilled in the trunk.
  10. Take a little off the bottom.  Have a thin layer sliced off of the bottom of the trunk so the tree can absorb water and stay green.
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