Soap Dish: Fete du Savon Exhibit

A squeaky clean show at Lisa Reisman

Packaging nerds and graphic design geeks will be in a lather over a new exhibit and sale at Lisa Reisman Et Cie, the dainty gallery and shop tucked just off of Rittenhouse Square that specializes in Art Nouveau and Art Deco art and objects.

On Wednesday, June 17 from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m., the boutique will host Fete du Savon, an opening reception/second anniversary party that celebrates Art Nouveau and Art Deco-style chromolithographic labels from soap and perfumes from the turn of the century, like the one pictured.

The heady design and intricate artwork on these luxe soap and perfume packagings might make you want to chuck that wax-paper wrapped bar of Dove right down the drain. Many are from the turn of the century and are framed like artwork, which, in fact, they are... and they boast prices to match.

If you can't make the opening reception, the exhibit will be on display through July 31.

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