Donald Trump

Seth Grossman, Running for New Jersey's 2nd Congressional District in the 2018 Midterm Elections

Seth Grossman

Office Sought: New Jersey's 2nd Congressional District

Political Party: Republican

Age: 69

Campaign Website:

No. of Tweets: 1,914

No. of Facebook followers: 880

Biography: Grossman is a former Atlantic City councilman and county freeholder who works as an attorney in South Jersey. He is for stronger immigration enforcement and repealing Obamacare as well as a supporter of President Trump.

On the Issues: 

Enforce Immigration Laws
"Immigration laws were strictly enforced From 1917 to 1966. Legal immigration was limited to roughly 300,000 per year. This allowed immigrants and their children to quickly learn English and become mainstream Americans. These immigration laws also promoted high wages, full employment, good schools, low taxes, and safe neighborhoods. Beginning in 1965, Ted Kennedy Democrats completely changed our immigration laws. The new 1965 immigration laws had the purpose and effect of dividing and weakening America. The new 1965 immigration law, and changes made by Carter, Bush, Clinton, and Obama brought more than one million legal immigrants to America each year. Far too many of these immigrants are not assimilating. Many actually hate our American culture and constitutional government and want to change us. This also makes it difficult, if not impossible to enforce immigration laws. We have anywhere from 11 million to 30 million foreigners living illegally in our country in addition to roughly 41 million legal immigrants. Instead of offering the American Dream, many American cities today offer immigrants the same misery, violence, and poverty they had in the countries they left."

Support President Trump
"President Trump has been in public life since he first came to Atlantic City some 36 years ago. His strengths and weaknesses are well known to many of us. We know that Donald Trump was never accused of being racist, crazy, or an agent of the Russians until he got active in politics and demanded the enforcement of our immigration laws and the repeal of Obamacare. Only then did the FBI and other federal agencies lie to judges so they could illegally tap the phones of Trump and his top officials. After failing to remove Trump and block his agenda for the past 16 months, Democrats now want majorities in the Senate and House of Representatives so they can impeach him on fake charges and continue Obama’s agenda. If elected, I will forcefully defend and protect President Trump and his agenda every way I can."

Repeal Remnants of Obamacare
"Most Americans enjoyed good, affordable health insurance until President Obama and a Democratic majority in Congress adopted Obamacare in 2010. Obamacare forces forced every America to buy expensive coverage for services and procedures most of us don’t want, don’t need, or can buy cheaper on our own. For years, Republicans promised to repeal Obamacare if they were again given control of the Federal government. When President Trump took office, a handful of Republican Senators stopped Trump and the rest of the Republicans in Congress from keeping their promise. Although the individual mandate was eliminated as part of the tax reform law passed last year, Obamacare still makes health insurance far too expensive for those who want it. If elected, I will continually work to repeal Obamacare."

"The tragedy in Florida exposed many failures of government to protect our children. Until now, federal laws have made it difficult for school officials and ordinary citizens to take common sense action to protect our children. If elected, I will support laws to encourage local officials to do what they find necessary to protect them. Those measures include allowing qualified, trained, law abiding school employees to carry weapons. They would also include allowing counselors, psychologists, and teachers to legally share information with each other and law enforcement officials on deadly threats they learn from students."

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