Save The Date: Catch a Break

Finally you come around, still a little disoriented. You dust yourself off trying hard to re-play the scene over and over again in your head, recalling everything up until the moment of impact. Still, nothing seems to make sense. Last thing you remember you were approaching the intersection. The green light gave you the go to proceed, thinking everything was free and clear to continue moving forward. Suddenly, when you’re in the middle of traffic, SCReeeeeeeecH!!!! Then BANG!!!! Instantly you’re t-boned at the corner of a hit and run. Everything’s totaled and beyond repair. Now you’re left stranded totally blind-sided because you never saw it coming. Perhaps you were distracted or just too relaxed. If only you had seen the signs early on. You could have been more of a defensive driver or avoided entering the city limits to Splits-Ville altogether.


You don’t have to be a psychic to read someone’s mind to confirm your suspicions that they’re losing interest. I guarantee the moment you begin questioning your mate’s actions, that boot is in your near future.

When disappearing acts become the norm, do you think you’re a magician and can make them re-appear with your charm? Take it from Greg Behrendt, “He’s Just Not That Into You!”

It goes much further than when the texts stop flowing and your calls aren’t being returned at the drop of a hat. If he/she only wants to see you when they’re out with a large crowd or heavily intoxicated, you should definitely know that something’s up. Take the hint. Real relationships bloom when there’s lots of QT time spent getting to know one another and those quirky little things your mate does, still somehow make you smile.

Next time you think you've been side-swiped and say “I don’t understand why we’re breaking up—this is completely out of nowhere!” Save yourself some time and pay attention to those warning signals. This relationship may have reached a dead end but don’t give up on the highway to love. There might be something much better at your next exit!


Good news'll live. It’s just a bruised heart. So, when you are awakened by the stench of reality's smelling salt, you'll realize that for the last few weeks you were heading down a one way street all this time. Break down the BREAK-UP. Travel back a ways and you'll see the obvious along with the multiple signs. Oh yes, there are plenty.

The first one, you'll notice the distance that has been forming. Phone calls that were every night are now being spread throughout the week. Plans to do stuff together aren't made so far in advance, like purchasing concert tickets for a late summer concert. All of a sudden they are mentioning how busy their life has become and they feel obligated to lay out their schedule for you, which then they parlay that excuse to explain why their sex drive has stalled out. They are simply just too tired.

All leading to the major red flag—arguing. Fights are happening way too often over even the most trivial things.

Next time, if all of the above clicks, don't put it off. Bring it up and you'll be better prepared to brace yourself for any collision.

Do you have a dating dilemma? Send Stephanie and Matt your story and questions and you may be featured on the next installment of Save the Date.


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