One Year of Firsts: “Jersey Shore,” What?

Day 36

One does not discover new lands without consenting to lose sight of the shore for a very long time. ~André Gide

Due to a big snowstorm heading our way, the first I had planned was cancelled. (First cancellation does not count as a First).

So I decided it was time to do something I've been meaning to do. Watch an episode of MTV's Jersey Shore.

This episode Ronnie spent the night in jail, Snookie breaks down because she doesn't have a date and Pauly D and the Situation try to cheer her up.

Really???? This is what America is wrapped up in???

I have to tell you I forced myself to watch more than ten minutes of this thing.  If this is a hit, there must be some entertainment value here.

When Snookie starts crying because her ex was being mean, I have to admit was hooked a little.  Okay, what woman doesn't relate to some guy rejecting her. Then of course she gets into the hot tub with the Situation and there's a situation.

I know the Italian stereotypes in this reality shore version of Real Life are hard and often unflattering.  But it's an interesting cast. You can't forget these characters.

I can truly say that this is the first and last  time I will watch Jersey Shore.  I've seen enough to say I've seen it.

I just had to know what everyone was talking about.

Lu Ann Cahn is an Emmy award-winning journalist who's been in the biz for more than 30 years. She's survived motherhood, breast cancer and chasing down bad guys. Now, Lu Ann's trying to complete a year of "firsts." Can she do it? She'll be posting daily here on

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