One Year of Firsts: Feed 100 Parking Meters

Day 100

Pleasure is spread through the earth

In stray gifts to be claimed by whoever shall find.

          ~William Wordsworth, 1806

100 days of Firsts!!! Whoa! Yeah baby. A hundred days of crazy, eye opening, silly, fascinating new Firsts this year.

I felt the need to spread the love today. The First Fairy (that would be me) went up Market street  in Philadelphia with a hundred quarters to feed a hundred parking meters.

I actually got excited when I found a few meters about to expire. It was fun thinking, the meter maid would be foiled again.  The poor car owner spared a ludicrous ticket because some lunatic journalist has a  first project.

Or not. Maybe I just wasted a bunch of quarters.

Hey, it was good for me. Don't know if it was good for anyone else. Doesn't matter.

Happy 100 Firsts Day!

Lu Ann Cahn is an Emmy award-winning journalist who's been in the biz for more than 30 years. She's survived motherhood, breast cancer and chasing down bad guys. Now, Lu Ann's trying to complete a year of "firsts." Can she do it? She'll be posting daily here on

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