One of Philly's Best Pies on Sale

Philly Dealyo: Franzones is one of our favorite pizzas in the whole metro. It just so happens that Philly Dealyo is pushing out their goods at half-price. Get clicking or miss out. [Philly Dealyo]

Groupon: Nana Petrillo's makes great gelato and cappuccino. We're getting to that time of year for both, so why not get yourself a few coupons to prepare for summer. [Groupon]

Living Social: $10 gets you $20 worth of BBQ at Phamous Phil's out in Collegeville. You suburban readers know the drill. Click it and save. [Living Social]

This has been the 11 AM Deal Report, our daily roundup of the best food and drink deals in the land. Got a deal you want included? Email it our way.

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