New Laser “Lets the Fat Out”

Low level lasers a painless alternative to traditional liposuction

If you have a little extra flab hanging over your belt or those oh-so-wonderful cottage cheese thighs and have tried everything short of surgery to tone up to no avail -- a new procedure may finally answer your prayers.

The Zerona Erchonia Laser Scanner uses five low level lasers to painlessly zap the fat cells in your belly and thighs without making a single incision.

"It will pass through the skin and hit the fat makes the fat cell open up a little bit," said Dr. Thomas E. Young. "That lets the fat out and the body takes that liquid fat that came out of the fat cell and clears it out."

Since the laser just "opens up" cells, Dr. Young says patients must undergo a post-op regimen that includes vitamins, increased water consumption, cardio exercise and a reduced-fat diet to get the best results.

He also said the procedure is only 80 percent effective. But Daneen Newsome is thrilled with her results. She went from a size 4 to a size 2 after undergoing the procedure.

"There is work on your end that you have to do, but if you do it, it's well worth it," Newsome said.

Still, not everyone is convinced. Dr. Eric Bernstein says he's intrigued by the laser treatment, but that more research on their effectiveness needs to be done.

"i have yet to see a convincing peer reviewed controlled study demonstrating that it's effective," he said.

Zerona's manufacturer says the treatment results in an average loss of 3.6 inches from the legs or buttocks. It costs about $2,500 for six sessions.

Get more: Zerona

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