Husband Dies in “Anniversary” Lamborghini

He rented the fast, exotic car to celebrate his fifth wedding anniversary

Adam Brown rented a Lamborghini to take his wife out on the town for their fifth wedding anniversary. The big celebration night was Saturday. Brown and a friend died Friday night when they were out for a spin in the exotic sports car. 

"I just don't think he knew how fast that car was," his wife, Michelle Brown told the Daily News.

Adam, 29, was speeding along Essington Avenue near Bartram when he lost control during a turn and drove into oncoming traffic, according to police.

The crash seriously injured the driver of another vehicle and killed Brown's passenger, Geoffrey Kleiman, 60, of Broomall. The two were friends and did business together.

Brown was with the Brookhaven police department from 1999 to 2004 when he left to devote more time to Home Helpers, an in-home health care business he started.

"He just enjoyed helping people," said his wife. "His grandmother suffered from Alzheimer's and that's what drove him to open this business." Adam leaves behind a wife and two young children.

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