Former Police Inspector Re-Sentenced to 5 Years

After winning an appeal, Daniel Castro was re-sentenced in court today, but his sentence ended up being the same

Former Philadelphia Police inspector Daniel Castro was re-sentenced today for conspiracy to commit extortion.

Castro was originally sentenced in October of 2011 to five years in prison. But after winning an appeal from the U.S. Third Circuit Court of Appeals, Castro was sent back to court to be re-sentenced.

But today's sentence ended up being the same-- five years in prison.

Castro was arrested in 2010. According to his indictment, Castro allegedly invested $90,000 in real estate and when it failed to yield any financial result, he asked another man to help him get his money back, plus another $60,000 in "interest."

Federal authorities say Castro consented to using physical force, if that what it took to get his money, plus an additional $30,000 back. Castro didn't know it at the time, but his middle man was working undercover for the FBI.

Castro was once a rising star in the department who aspired to be Police Commissioner. He will now continue to serve time behind bars.

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