Foldable Flats Going Fast in Old City

Third Street Habit Store Manager Liz tells us that these foldable "Samara" flats ($55-$76) are the Old City boutique's current best seller. Made by Yosi Samra, the flats are crafted from real leather, with an elastic trim for a forgiving fit.

According to Liz, the flats are perfect for travel -- they come in a box measuring four-and-a-half by three inches, with a small travel pouch fit for stuffing into suitcases or handbags. Liz also tells us that bride-to-be customers have been grabbing up the flats to give to their bridesmaids.

The store's most popular patterns? The tie-dye print (above, second from left) and "Sting Ray" model (below, far right) .

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