Safer Roads on Super Bowl Sunday

When it comes to drinking and driving this Super Bowl weekend, Delaware law enforcement says to take that chance at your own risk.

With over thirty drunk driving arrests on last year's Super Bowl Sunday, Delaware State Police hope increased patrols will dissuade intoxicated drivers from getting behind the wheel this year.

Law enforcement will have thick saturation patrols along with numerous DUI checkpoints during Super Bowl XLVII.

Officers advise game day party hosts to keep an eye on their intoxicated guests. "As a host, it is your responsibility to stand up and let them know that you don't think it's safe for them to drive", said a Delaware officer.

Drunk drivers seem well aware of the DUI laws, according to police, and many make the conscious decision to drive under the influence hoping not to get caught.

Most Delaware drivers support the state's Super Bowl road safety measures.

While official checkpoints will be set up in Newark, Delaware, saturation patrols will be widespread.

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