Break a World Record Friday

Blow a Guinness world record out of the water on Friday, March 26 at the Great Wolf Lodge in Pocono Mountains, Pa. Be a part of history as you participate in the "Longest Distance Water Sliding in 24 Hours in Multiple Venues." The event is open to all guests of the resort this Friday night.

All eleven Great Wolf Resort locations throughout the U.S. will designate a specific slide to each participant.
A $1 donation is requested per slide and all proceeds will go to the Big Brothers, Big Sisters of America. Great Wolf Resorts will then match each donation, up to $50,000. Not only will you have fun, but you will also help change the lives of millions.

Spring has sprung, the weather is warm and it’s never too early for the water park -- so make a splash at 6 p.m. on Friday at the Great Wolf Lodge.

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