Back to School Nutrition

Courtesy of Molly Morgan


1. Fill 1/2 the lunch box with fruit and/or vegetables

- On the weekend fill snack size containers or bags with a variety of fruit and chopped veggies to make packing easier during the week


2. Think outside the sandwich

- Try making kid friendly sushi with veggies and light cream cheese and whole wheat flat bread

- Fruit, yogurt & granola parfait supplies for children to make their own at lunch time

- Sandwich on a stick (cubed cucumbers, grilled chicken, cherry tomatoes, cheese) and hummus to dip


5. Be creative

- Use sandwich cutter

- Pack soup or stews

- Mini bags of dried fruit


4. Keep it safe

- Freeze items like applesauce cups, yogurt tubes, milk, or juice boxes

- Pack perishable items close to the ice pack

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