A Boisterous Reading of Banned Books

Many classic and their authors were thought of as scandalous when they first came out. Thank goodness better minds prevailed. Literary classics like The Great Gatsby, To Kill A Mockingbird, Lord of the Rings and even a version of Little Red Riding Hood (in 1989!) were all either suppressed or banned books. 

Libraries across the country commemorate Banned Books Week during the last week of September, and Philly wants to join the festivities.

The Free Library of Philadelphia and the American Civil Liberties Union want to celebrate “the freedom to read” by throwing a Banned Books Reading on September 30 at the Parkway Central Library in Philadelphia.

Local celebrities like filmmaker Jared Martin and playwright Ed Shockley will be special guests at the event, which also features an open conversation about banned books and the freedom to read and express opinions.

Siobhan A. Reardon, Director of The Free Library of Philadelphia, claims that book controversies are not a thing of the past and are still relevant today.

“According to the American Library Association, American Libraries were faced with 3,736 challenges to various books over the past eight years,” said Reardon.

So go celebrate the freedom to read whatever you choose -- not too loud though, it’s in a library.

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