$1 Subs Today!

It 'aint free, but it's cheap

Ok. So, they aren’t free, but they’re only $1 (don’t be too stingy already). In honor of Jimmy John’s Sandwich Shops’ grand opening in KOP, they’re selling subs for a buck.

The event will last only four hours—11a.m. to 3p.m. Thursday at the new location, 340 W. Dekalb Pike. So, get your butt down there.

The laid-back atmosphere is perfect for the lunch rush and whether you’re watching your figure for bikini season or trying to bulk up for the ladies, you’re sure to find something tasty.  

"What makes Jimmy John's different from the rest is that it's honest, it's damn good, it's damn fast, at a decent price!" according to JimmyJohns.com.

They offer a low-carb lettuce wrap (for all of you guys who do push-ups before walking onto the beach—Memo: That doesn’t work), “Slims” which won’t leave you squeezing into your new mono-kini and the J.J. Gargantuan, for those who, well, are more into hitting the slopes in layers of clothing than the beach in their skivvies.

Whatever your fancy, let the el cheapo in you live freely today and fill-up on the good stuff.

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