Elmwood Park Zoo

A Prickly Little Bundle of Joy at Montgomery County Zoo

Less than a week after the birth of four baby peccaries the Elmwood zoo announced birth of baby porcupine

baby porcupine in handler's hands
Elmwood Park Zoo

This is news that oozes cuteness.

Norristown's Elmwood Park Zoo on Friday announced the birth of a new porcupine in a Facebook post Friday morning.

"It's Deja vu again at Elmwood Park Zoo as we welcomed a new porcupette to our animal family!"

Visitors to the Montgomery County zoo can see the porcupette and its mother Jasmine in the wetland area.

This is just the latest little of bundle of joy at Elmwood Park zoo.

On April 28, the zoo announced their peccaries Yavi and Parsley gave birth to four baby peccaries.

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