project innovation

Projection Innovation Grant Recipient: Tech Impact

Local nonprofit awarded $ 50,000 from NBC10, Telemundo62, and Comcast NBCUniversal Foundation

Tech Impact has been awarded a $50,000 Project Innovation grant from NBC10, Telemundo62, and Comcast NBCUniversal Foundation. The grant will help fund their ITWorks program to support their mission of leveraging technology for social impact.

Since 2003, this nonprofit has been working to provide technology integration support to other nonprofits. They serve over 250 organizations across the United States with managed IT support. Tech Impact strives to ensure that all nonprofits can use technology to make the world a better place.

Additionally, they run programs to help prepare young adults, specifically underrepresented people in the tech space like women and minorities, to enter a career in IT without a degree. Providing high quality training for jobs in technology, over 80% of people who complete training go onto a career in technology.

The ITWorks program is a free 16-week program for young adults ages 18-26 years old, without a Bachelor’s degree and who have an interest in technology. The classes are from 9am to 3pm Monday through Friday. The first 12 weeks will be in the classroom learning the basics of computers. Not only do students receive high quality tech training, but they are also taught professional skills such as making a resume and cover letter, interviewing, and money and time management. The last 4 weeks of the program are an internship where students can get hands on experience. Currently, there have been over 600 graduates from the ITWorks program with 100% internship placement and 75% are employed within 6 months.

Click here to apply.

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