Two Phillies Had Their Nickname Jerseys Denied Due to Copyright Issue

The Phillies are going to look at lot different as they take on the Chicago Cubs on Players Weekend, August 25-27 at Citizens Bank Park, but for two players, they won't get the look they desired.

Major League Baseball is paying homage to Little League Baseball and the kid in all of their players by offering the chance to wear brightly colored jerseys and a nickname of your choosing on the back, unless that nickname infringes on a copyright.

According to Matt Breen of, two players, Zach Eflin and Hoby Milner had their nickname requests denied due to trouble with copyrights. Eflin was hoping to be known as "Led Zeflin" and Milner wanted to use the Force as "Hoby Wan Kenobi."

Neither player was listed on the article displaying the nicknames the players on the team selected.

Don't worry, though, not only was the $13.5 million dollar, 7.1-inning man Clay Buchholz included, his jersey is available for purchase.

If you missed it, here's how the Phillies and Cubs will look on Players Weekend.

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