Heart Transplant Patient Visited by Drake Can Now Call Him on His Cellphone

Talk about "Hotline Bling"

The girl who got her wish to meet Drake while awaiting heart surgery in Chicago last month now has a direct line to the rapper — he gave Sofia Sanchez an iPhone with his private number so she can text him directly, she told the "Today" show.

Sofia's on the mend, and she's got plans to meet up with the "Hotline Bling" and "God's Plan" singer again.

"He said that when I'm out of the hospital and I can go around with more people, he said he's going to bring me on stage and sing 'God's Plan' to me," she said in an interview that aired Thursday.

The bubbly 11-year-old from Downer's Grove first met Drake last month, when he surprised her at Lurie Children's Hospital. He'd seen a video she made of her getting out of a wheelchair and doing a perfect rendition of the viral Kiki Challenge dance, and asking for him to come visit her for her birthday.

Soon after their meeting, Sofia got another wish: a new heart. She was later discharged from the hospital to a nearby Ronald McDonald House.

She appears to be back to her old self, joking with "Today" that she can walk, talk and even "make slime."

"I'm happy it went well because some surgeries can go wrong ... I want to have a second chance in life," Sofia said.

She's still taking medicine as she recovers from hear heart transplant but the Sanchez family is hoping she can head home by Halloween. Her family also told "Today" that they want to meet the family of the person whose heart she now has.

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