In addition to being among the giants of 20th-century architecture, Frank Lloyd Wright led a rather tumultuous love life, one that was punctuated by an axe-murder, which is to be the subject of a new film.
Bruce Beresofrd ("Driving Miss Daisy") is set to develop and direct "Taliesin," a film named for the Wisconsin home he built for himself and his then married mistress, according to The Hollywood Reporter.
It was in 1914, three years after FLW and Martha Cheney moved into Taliesin, while Wight in Chicago on business, the tragedy struck. On Aug. 15 of that year, Julian Carlton, a servant Wright had hired only two months previously, set fire to the sprawling home and murdered seven people, including Cheney and her two kids, with an axe as the fire raged.
“We have someone in mind [to play Wright], but I can’t tell you yet,” said Beresford, when asked about casting. Our knee-jerk i guess is that Brad Pitt would be the first choice. Not only is Pitt coming of the best year of his career, he's also a huge architecture geek.
Not only has he been a huge proponent of building "green homes," he also donated millions of dollars to erecting low-cost housing for victims of Katrina, and to celebrate his 43rd birthday, Angelina Jolie arranged for him a tour of Fallingwater, a house Wright designed outside Pittsburgh. Oh, Pitt's in his late 40's, as was Wright at the time of the fire-murder.