That's the price for Carol Snyder's suffering. The Collegeville woman says she has endured mental and physical pain after surviving a super-bug she claims she caught on the job.
That super-bug turned into about the nastiest thing you can imagine: the flesh-eating bacteria.
Snyder claims she got the staph infection in 2003 while working at Graterford Prison.
After Snyder filed a Worker's Comp claim nearly two years ago, she told NBC10 Investigator Harry Hairston that she'd suffered horribly from the infection. It left her face disfigured and scarred.
"I've lost an 8-year relationship. I don't go out in public. I don't like people seeing my face. I'm emotionally and mentally
distraught," Snyder told Hairston.
Snyder's attorney said the infection affected more than her looks and her love life. It affected her livelihood because she's been unable to work at various times. Snyder had been a prison guard for more than 11 years.
Here is a picture of Snyder before MRSA:
Here is a picture of Snyder after MRSA: