Happy Fourth of July? Not for Wilmington, Delaware residents.
There will be no holiday celebration this year -- no parades, no entertainment and most importantly, no fireworks.
All activities associated with the Fourth are canceled due to budget constraints, according to the city’s website.
Mayor James Baker announced back in March that the city simply can’t afford the celebration.
By eliminated the festivities, Wilmington was able to save just about $125,000, reports the city's site.
"Like many other cities across the country, we made the painful but fiscally responsible decision to cancel our July 4th Celebration this year,” said Mayor Baker’s Chief of Staff William Montgomery in a press release. “We hope to revive this great tradition in the future when the economy rebounds.”
The city did look into the possibility of bringing in sponsors to foot the Fourth of July bills which include materials, entertainment, security and clean-up, but they were still falling short.