Some of Philadelphia's students, who head back to school next Monday, say they are scared to go back.
"It doesn't only make me angry, it makes me sad at the same time," said Gian Carlos Rodriquez, a high school freshman. "I was bullied a lot and picked on and stuff. Now I think we only have one counselor in school, so in high school what if i get bullied again?"
Rodriguez isn't alone with his fears. He is just one of hundreds of students affected by the budget crisis in the Philadelphia School District.
"I don't think they understand because they're not the ones going through it," said Deionni Martinez, who is 16 years old. She says the last thing she should be worried about is the lack of staff and resources.
"I don't know what's gonna happen when I go in, what staff is going to be there to help me. It's like you don't know what you're getting into," said Martinez.
And they have a message for Pennsylvania Governor Tom Corbett. "We voted for you, because we know your good. Now it's like you're turning your back on us. We need you to do your job and get the money from somewhere else," said Rodriquez.
This Sunday night, about 200 people including students, plan to protest outside Governor Corbett's office along Broad Street in Center City. That is the night before the first day of school.