Who'd Steal from a Sick Kid? This Guy!

We've heard of thieves stealing donation jars, which is just down right dirty.  But, to go into a store, steal the jar, jet out, then go back in to spend the cash and ask the store clerk for directions?—that’s down right stupid.

You’d think he would have gotten caught. Well, not yet.

Sunday morning, a man walked into the convenience store at Rimbaugh’s Exxon in Phoenixville and, clear as day, took a donation jar with about $50 inside, and stuck it inside his coat.

The surveillance video shows the thief left the store, only to return to buy a few things and then ask the clerk for directions.

The jar was collecting funds for Ride for Kids, a charity that helps the Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation.

Schuylkill Township Police are asking for the public's help in identifying the thief. If you have any information related to the case, please call 610.935.2440.

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