Messages of hate against and support of president-elect Donald Trump were scrawled on walls in Philadelphia hours after his White House victory.
A pair of swastikas were spray-painted onto windows of the former Meglio Furs store along Broad Street at Wharton in South Philadelphia overnight Wednesday. The Nazi symbols were joined by the words "Trump" and "Sieg Heil," the latter being the Nazi salute.
The Nazi messages were discovered on the 78th anniversary of Kristallnacht, or Night of Broken Glass. A nightlong campaign in 1938, Nazi's looted and burned synagogues and Jewish-owned businesses throughout Germany and Austria.

A Swastika and Trump's name was found tagged on a utility box down the next block at Reed Street.
Nine blocks to the east, near 6th and Carpenter in Queen Village, several homes and vehicles were tagged with pro-Trump messages. "Trump Rules" was sprayed onto Jane DeRosa's beige stucco wall.
"What the hell you destroy my property for," the 84-year-old woman said of the vandal's mess. "It's terrible."
The letter "T" and "Trump Rules Black B--tch" were some of the other messages.

Anthony Spina, a registered Democrat, had his car tagged. He caught the vandalism on surviellance video.
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"This guy was a busy beaver," he said. "We're trying to get by. Whoever won the election, won it fair and square and everybody's happy with it and we just go on."
"It stinks."
Philadelphia Police detectives are investigating all three incidents.
The city was one of the few strongholds for Hillary Clinton in Pennsylvania during Tuesday's general election. She took 82 percent of the vote while Trump had 15 percent. But the local margins were not enough to overcome strong support for the Republican president-elect in the rest of the state.