NJ Tanning Mom Off Probation in Camden County

The NJ mom accused of child tan abuse is no longer on probation in a separate case in Camden County

The New Jersey mom accused of taking her then-5-year-old daughter into a tanning booth is no longer on probation in a separate case.

Patricia Krentcil is free on $2,500 bond on the child endangerment charge.

The arrest in Nutley got the attention of authorities in Camden County. That's where Krentcil was sentenced to five years' probation in 1999 for credit card theft, forgery and theft for writing bad checks. In 2001, a bench warrant was issued for her failure to appear at a probation hearing.

Court officials in Camden County on Friday say her probation had been terminated and she would not be required to appear in court.

Krentcil is due back in court next month in the tanning case. She says she never took her daughter into a booth and that the little girl got sunburned the old-fashioned way -- out in the yard without the proper protection.

Krentcil pleaded not guilty on Wednesday to the child endangerment charge in Essex County. Yesterday, she told a camera crew that she was not only innocent, but that the accusations against her were a witch hunt by some person who was fat, jealous and ugly.

Copyright The Associated Press
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