Two boys, 9 and 11, are facing charges of unlawful possession of a weapon after bringing a handgun to Oceanside Charter School in Atlantic City on Thursday.
They were released to the custody of their parents Thursday evening. Police are still investigating whether any adults will face charges as well.
Atlantic City Police say one single shot was fired inside the school bathroom earlier in the day.
"We're still trying to determine where they got possession of it. Lucky none of the children
were hurt including the children who had possession of it," said Monica McMenamin, Atlantic City Police.
The bullet hit and damaged a bathroom sink, police said.
The students being questioned are both from Pleasantville and usually ride the bus together, according to Principal and Superintendent Janine Middleton, who also says school safety protocol was followed to ensure student safety.
380 students attend the pre-K through 8th grade charter school.
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