Monday night, Police Philadelphia investigated claims that a 12-year-old girl was sexually assaulted by as many as five teenage boys inside a city recreation center.
The alleged incident happened inside a third-floor stairwell at the Francis Myers Rec Center on the 5800 block of Chester Avenue in the Kingsessing section Southwest Philly.
Police were called to the scene around 8 p.m. after the girl said she was assaulted by boys believed to be around 14 years old, police said.
Line dancing and basketball activities were being held at the busy rec center at the time of the alleged incident.
Cops remained on the scene hours later as the alleged victim was being interviewed by special victims police.
Initially police told NBC10 that the girl didn't appear to have any physical injuries from the incident and her clothing wasn't torn. But sometime around 10 p.m. the girl was taken to the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia to be examined and have a rape kit performed.
Police remained on the scene at 11 trying to sort out if a crime occurred. Investigators also took in two boys for questioning -- it was unclear if the boys were persons of interest or just witnesses to the alleged incident.
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No one was immediately arrested and the investigation continued throughout the night.
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