Be Prepared for Carbon Monoxide Leaks at Home

Carbon monoxide is an odorless, colorless, tasteless poison that can render you defenseless — and even lead to death — without the right precautions.

Keeping up with these easy precautions is easy and lifesaving. It’s not just about installing a CO detector, but putting it a place where it will be most effective.

Philadelphia Fire Commissioner Derrick Sawyer recommends one detector on each floor of a home. The detector should be placed near bedrooms, making it easier to hear the alarm if it goes off in the middle of the night.

Many mistakenly place their CO Detector near basement heaters – which would seem to make sense considering heaters are a source for Carbon Monoxide, but Sawyer points out that it would be difficult to hear the alarm from other parts of the house.

Along with installing detectors, homeowners should make sure to have their heater and fireplace serviced annually to ensure every bit is in working order.

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