Would you camp-out overnight to get your hands on tickets for the Papal Mass in Philadelphia next weekend?
One die-hard did just that in Delaware County Wednesday into Thursday.
Brigette Cuffia set up shop outside St. Denis Church in Havertown about 10 p.m. Wednesday. She came prepared with a pillow, sleeping bag and other necessities.
"I’m really excited to see the Pope. I think the Pope is the message of hope in the world today, so I want to get as close as possible,” Cuffia told NBC10.
A second group of parishioners joined Cuffia outside St. Denis about 5 a.m. Thursday.
Tickets to the Papal Mass on the Ben Franklin Parkway on September 27 were given out to 219 parishes. The tickets at St. Denis were given out on first-come, first-serve basis at 9 a.m. Thursday.