Mayor Nutter's $18K Pay Cut

Mayor and key staffers take cuts in pay.

Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter said he and his cabinet would take pay cuts as part of SHARING THE SACRIFICE to balance the budget.

Mayor Nutter himself is taking a 10% pay cut.

Depending on how much they make, other staffers will take cuts between 3.5% to 5%, according to Press Secretary Doug Oliver.

Here's what all that means, in real dollars.

Mayor's Office

Mayor: Michael A. Nutter
Current Salary = $186,044
10% Cut =$18,604

Chief of Staff: Clarence Armbrister
Current Salary = $198,500
3.5% Cut=$6947 
5% Cut=$9925

Senior Advisor to the Mayor: Pauline Abernathy
Current Salary = $155,000
3.5% Cut=$5425 
5% Cut=$7750

Senior Advisor to the Mayor for Economic Development: Teresa Gillen
Current Salary = $155,000
3.5% Cut=$5425 
5% Cut=$7750

Chief Integrity Officer: Joan Markman
Current Salary = $150,000
3.5% Cut=$5,250 
5% Cut=$7500
Deputy Chief of Staff: Patricia Enright
Current Salary = $155,000
3.5% Cut=$5425 
5% Cut=$7750

Director of Legislative Affairs: Julia Chapman
Current Salary = $150,000
3.5% Cut=$5250 
5% Cut=$7500

Inspector General: Amy Kurland
Current Salary = $150,000
3.5% Cut=$5250 
5% Cut=$7500

Director of Research, Policy and Planning: Wendell Pritchett
Current Salary = $150,000
3.5% Cut=$5250 
5% Cut=$7500
Press Secretary: Doug Oliver
Current Salary = $120,000
3.5% Cut=$4200 
5% Cut=$6000

Executive Director, Mayor's Office for Community Services: Wadell Ridley
Current Salary = $95,000
3.5% Cut=$3325 
5% Cut=$4750
Director of Multicultural Affairs: Israel Colon
Current Salary = $90,000
3.5% Cut=$3150 
5% Cut=$4500


Managing Director: Camille Barnett 
Current Salary = $195,000
3.75% Cut=$7,312 
5% Cut=$9,750

City Solicitor: Shelley Smith 
Current Salary = $174,464
3.75% Cut=$6,542 
5% Cut=$8,723

Finance Director: Robert Dubow 
Current Salary = $174,464
3.75% Cut=$6,542 
5% Cut=$8,723

Deputy Mayor and Deputy Managing Dir. for Health and Oppt'y (also Health Comm'r): Donald Schwarz 
Current Salary = $160,000
3.75% Cut=$6,000 
5% Cut=$8,000
Deputy Mayor and Deputy Managing Director for Public Safety: Everett Gillison 
Current Salary = $160,000
3.75% Cut=$6,000 
5% Cut=$8,000

Deputy Mayor and Deputy Managing Director for Transportation and Utilities: Rina Cutler 
Current Salary = $160,000
3.75% Cut=$6,000 
5% Cut=$8,000

Acting Commerce Director: Duane Bumb 
Current Salary = $142,156
3.75% Cut=$5,330 
5% Cut=$7,178
City Representative: Melanie Johnson 
Current Salary = $110,000
3.75% Cut=$4,125 
5% Cut=$5,500

Commissioners and Department Heads


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