
Penn State Building Dorms on Suburban Philadelphia Campuses

Two of Penn State University’s local campuses ­ — Brandywine and Abington — are looking to construct residence halls as a way to compete for students and give them a traditional college experience.

Both Brandywine and Abington are early in the process of planning these projects but are on track to have the dorms built over the next couple of years. Penn State has 20 undergraduate campuses across Pennsylvania, half offer housing, which can effect matriculation. Some students choose not to attend Penn State if the campus they are accepted to doesn’t provide housing.

“Currently, if a student wants to complete a degree and have an on-campus experience, they can’t do that,” said Bill Tyson, spokesman for Penn State-Brandywine. “There is demand for it. There are students in southeastern Pennsylvania or outside the region who express an interest in housing and we’re a four-year college that doesn’t have on-campus housing." Read more about the story at

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