Philly-Based Retailer Looks to Reinvent Brand With NYC Flagship

In a move to try and reinvigorate itself and pull shoppers back into its brick-and-mortars, Urban Outfitters on Saturday opened its newest -- and largest -- store in Herald Square in New York.

The hipster-friendly retailer, which is headquartered in Philadelphia, opened a 57,000-square-foot store on 1333 Broadway in New York with the goal of creating an experience customers can’t get online.

"For a long time people were like, 'Oh, it's all about online, brick-and-mortar is dead,’” John Hauser, chief officer of brand experience, told CNBC. “But no, I think you just have to do something more exciting for the customer.”

So, in addition to offering apparel and housewares, the company’s store will also feature a café, hair salon, bookstore and record shop. Read more about this story on

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