The man who was killed in Atlantic City while crossing the street in his wheelchair Monday night is identified as 45-year-old Daniel Tavarez.
"He was a very good person. He would help anybody. This was a very unfair thing to happen. He didn't deserve it," the victim's sister, Marjorie Tavarez told WMGM-TV. "People have no respect for people in wheelchairs."
Tavarez was hit at the intersection of Route 30 and Pennsylvania Avenue around 9:30 p.m.
The driver fled the scene, police tell NBC10. Police found the car they think struck Tavarezin another location. They also tracked down the owner of the car overnight, questioned him and released him.
An autopsy will be performed on Tavarez, who is from Atlantic City, New Jersey.
"I don't know how to explain how nice he was. He would do anything for anyone," his sister said.
Investigators with the Prosecutor's Fatal Collisions Unit and the AC Police Department are asking anyone with information on the accident to call them. The phone number for the Prosecutor's officer is 609-909-7800 and police: 609-347-5744.
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