Local reaction flooded in following Friday's historic ruling by the United States Supreme Court essentially making same sex marriage legal in all 50 states.
Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf applauded the U.S. Supreme Court ruling on same-sex marriage, but said state lawmakers should follow up by passing a law to protect people against discrimination based on their sexual or gender preference.
Wolf said in a Friday statement that the high court's 5-4 decision makes clear that "gay marriage" is now simply marriage and same-sex couples cannot be denied the pursuit of happiness.
The Democrat says the Pennsylvania Legislature should now approve a law to protect people from discrimination in education, employment, housing and public accommodation on the basis of their sexual or gender preference.
Reaction came from Philadelphia Archbishop Charles J. Chaput, who issued the following statement: "The Supreme Court's 5-4 decision on marriage is not a surprise. The surprise will come as ordinary people begin to experience, firsthand and painfully, the impact of today's action on everything they thought they knew about marriage, family life, our laws and our social institutions. The mistakes of the court change nothing about the nature of men and women, and the truth of God's Word. The task now for believers is to form our own families even more deeply in the love of God, and to rebuild a healthy marriage culture, one marriage at a time, from the debris of today's decision."
The ACLU of Pennsylvania also spoke out following Friday's ruling. “This is an historic and joyous occasion. We know from our experience here in Pennsylvania that no one is hurt when people are allowed to marry the person he or she loves. We should all be proud of this victory for equality, freedom, and love. It is an important step on this country’s journey to full acceptance of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Americans,” executive director of the ACLU of Pennsylvania Reggie Shuford said in a statement.
Delaware Governor Jack Markell issued the following statement:
“The Supreme Court’s decision affirms what Delaware recognized in our state’s successful push for marriage equality. Equality under the law means honoring the loving relationships of all couples and their families. I’m proud that today our country has taken another important step in our unending quest to live up to our values and become a more perfect union.”
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