The high school graduation rate in Delaware hit a record high in 2017 with nearly 8,800 of 10,200 class of 2017 students graduating.
The number of dropouts also increased.
A Delaware Department of Education report says nearly 86 percent of students graduated last year, an increase from 2016's 84.6 percent. The rates increased for black, Asian, Hispanic, low-income, multiracial, white and students with disabilities.
But they dropped for Native American students from 92 percent to 75.6 percent. Fewer English learner students also graduated, with the rate dropping from 71.8 percent to 68.2 percent.
Around 700 students dropped out last year, equally a 1.7 percent annual dropout rate slightly higher than 2016's 1.4 percent. A state release says the dropouts were mostly boys and 10th graders.