Vote to Help Pennypack Farm and Education Center

The local farm is a finalist in a Facebook grant and needs votes


Pennypack Farm and Education Center in Horsham is a finalist to win a grant for up to $20,000, and you can help.

Pennypack’s mission is to involve and educate children on the growth and importance of vegetables—from  planting and nurturing to how to cook and eat them. 

Kristy Gregory, President of Pennypack Farm, applied for a Share the Wonder Grant on Facebook, and the center is now one of five finalists in the grant program, presented by Bird's Eye Vegetables. The total votes that Pennypack gets will determine the amount of grant money the Center will receive. Pennypack plans to use the Share the Wonder grant money to support education programs and purchase supplies to make programs more affordable for children throughout the community.

You can vote to support Pennypack Farm until October 13, 2011at  The winners will be announced October 17th.

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