
Gunman Shoots Pregnant Woman and Man in Philadelphia

The 33-year-old woman and 23-year-old man were on the 3500 block of North 18th Street when a gunman opened fire. 

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A pregnant woman and a man are both fighting for their lives following a double shooting in Philadelphia on Sunday.

The 33-year-old woman and 23-year-old man were on the 3500 block of North 18th Street when a gunman opened fire. 

The woman was shot once in the left thigh while the man was shot once in the chest and once in the back. 

Both victims were taken to Temple University Hospital and are both in critical condition. 

Police confirmed with NBC10 the woman is pregnant. They have not yet determined how far along she is or the condition of her unborn child. 

No arrests have been made and police have not released information on any suspects. 

The incident occurred two days after a pregnant woman was shot in West Philadelphia.

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