In just two months we all make the digital switch. And if you're not ready, your TV will not work!
On February 17, all full power television stations will stop broadcasting in analog and only broadcast in digital.
What does that mean for you? If you have a pay service for your TV, if you have cable, if you have Fios, or if you have a satellite service, your provider will take care of the digital switch. You don't need to do anything.
If you watch TV over the air with rabbit ears or an antenna, you need to take action.
You can get one a pay service or cable, or you can buy yourself a digital TV.
But don’t dump your tube just yet! You can continue to use your analog TV if you buy a converter box.
They are available at major electronics retailers and the government is offering two $40 coupons to help you buy the converter boxes.
To request a coupon, call (888) DTV-2009 or request one online.
At 5:45pm, NBC 10 will conduct a test to see if your TVs are ready. So, make sure your TV sets are on to see if you pass the test.