
‘Deana's Law' Proposes to Use Technology to Track DUI Offenders

A bill in the Pennsylvania senate would increase penalties for people convicted of multiple DUIs, and implement use of innovative monitoring technology.

A suburban Philadelphia senator is proposing stronger monitoring of multiple-DUI offenders that would include technology to analyze a person's sweat for alcohol.

The proposed legislation is nicknamed "Deana's Law" in honor of Deana Eckman, a Chester County woman who was killed by an allegedly drunk driver in February. The suspect has five previous driving-under-the-influence convictions, according to published reports.

"We must utilize everything at our disposal to keep those who have multiple DUIs from endangering lives on our roadways," Pennsylvania State Sen. Tom Killion, who represents Delaware and Chester counties, said in a statement. “My bill will mandate the use of continuous alcohol monitoring devices for the first time in Pennsylvania.”

The CAM device is strapped to the wearer. It then samples at regular intervals the person's sweat for the presence of alcohol. The results are uploaded and sent digitally from a station installed in the offender's home.

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