Chester Police arrested a man Sunday accused of robbing and raping a coffee shop worker in South Philadelphia, according to the United States Marshal Service.
Police arrested Christopher Reeves, 32, around 1 p.m. in Chester after receiving a tip.
The 29-year-old victim was working alone inside the Bean Exchange at 7th and Bainbridge streets the morning of March 31 when Reeves told her he was homeless and needed money, according to police.
Investigators say the woman gave Reeves a small amount of money and he left. Reeves returned an hour later and that’s when police say he allegedly stole $173 from her register, forced her into a bathroom and raped her.
Reeves was known to frequent the neighborhood, according to police.
The Bean Exchange's owner says the arrest brings little relief.
"A little bit of light in a very bleak, dark tunnel won't make up for anything my employee has suffered...the damage that this has done to her," Matt Armstrong said. " The real question is 'why was he out walking on the streets to begin with?'"
Philadelphia Police offered a $ 7,500 reward Friday for information leading to an arrest.
Reeves is being held in the Chester City jail. He is expected be transported to Philadelphia Monday.
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The coffee shop will re-open for business Monday morning.
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