A teen was arrested in the alleged rape of a woman in Southwest Philadelphia, according to Philadelphia Police.
Police confirm they arrested an 18-year-old on Wednesday night.
Around 10 p.m. Tuesday, a man and his girlfriend were walking down the 4700 block of Springfield Avenue when a gun-toting teenager and his young accomplice -- possibly just 13 years old -- forced them into a backyard and robbed them, Philadelphia Police said.
The older assailant then proceeded to rape the woman while holding a gun to her boyfriend's head, according to the male victim.
The boyfriend (who asked not to be identified) tells NBC Philadelphia that he was forced to watch the whole sexual assault.
"She kept begging that she needed me, so that’s why I just tried to follow what he said, get through this and get away."
Before the sexual assault began the younger suspect asked his friend to stop, the boyfriend said.
“He was pleading with him right there,” said the victim. “He was 10 feet from him. He says, “come on, we got everything we wanted. Let’s go.”
The two suspects got away on foot.
Police say the 18-year-old is being charged with 19 counts in connection with the crime including rape, robbery and kidnapping.
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Authorities are not releasing the name of the suspect as they are investigating him for other crimes.
They are still searching for the young accomplice.
"The message is, you better look over your shoulder. We will hunt you down and we will arrest you," warns Philly Police Captain John Darby.
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