Airport officials now say the tire that the Philly fire department thought fell from an airplane through the roof of a building actually came from a truck or a car.
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PennDOT officials say the tire first hit a car on the Schuylkill Expressway, then bounced high enough and hard enough to slam right through the one-story roof of a nearby building.
Initial reports from Fire Radio were that a tire from an airplane fell from the sky and hit the car, and that a second tire went through the roof of the Philadelphia Housing Authority building at 1901 Vare Avenue.
Twenty to 30 people were inside the building when the tire came through the roof. They reported hearing a loud thud and the building was evacuated. No one was hurt.
"Luckily, they were not in that specific area, so no one was hurt, but it did come through the roof and people who were in the room were pretty shaken up," Kelvin Jeremiah, PHA's executive director said. Those workers were sent home for the day. The building is a training facility and three of the people inside said when it first happened, they did think the tire came from an airplane.
A woman who was inside the car did go to the hospital. She too was shaken up and is expected to be fine.